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The church I attend had extensive renovations done to make the surroundings functional and inviting. We have a small central stage where a speaker shares God's Word from behind a pulpit. It's a wonderful thing to focus on the Bible and let it speak to your heart. Praise and adoration of the Savior and thoughts of God's greatness, should be the result. As well, hopefully a heart that is changed a little bit more to be like Jesus is also a result. A couple of times I have found...
A few days ago, I was watching a video of a beautiful horse named Daisy. She had somehow fallen in a well. Her back legs were trapped and the only thing sticking out of the well was the front half of her legs, her head and a portion of her neck. She was helpless and without strength to get herself out of the pit she was in. If it wasn't for the backhoe and skilled operator, Daisy would have died. It was amazing to watch as the back hoe lifted such a magnificent creature up and...
Have you ever listened to people pray on TV or maybe even at church? Sometimes the prayer is all about asking God to give them what they want to make them happy or “blessed”. As shocking as it may sound, this is not true prayer. True prayer is about praying for Creator God’s will to be done. How do we know His will? We need to read His Word! When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, one of the first things He said was, “pray for God’s will to be done here in o...
Prejudices and racism seem to abound in our world today. Unity and peace are lacking from a worldwide perspective and within our own communities. If we are really honest we would admit that peace is lacking within our own hearts. Nations are struggling to have equality or have more than others and have been since the beginning of time. History proves that mankind does not know the way of peace. Ever since the the first man and woman’s fall in the Garden of Eden, they and t...
Recently I have had the joy of witnessing a couple of eagles flying in the air. There is something so majestic and wondrous about these amazing birds. Their strength and “eagle eyes” are admirable and should cause us to certainly acknowledge God’s almighty hand, made obvious through His creative power. God’s Word says that all things were made by Him and through Him (John 1:3). He spoke the Word and various aspects of creation came to be instantly! The one aspect I admire...
The New Year has been upon us for a couple of months so how are your resolutions going? Many people like to start out the year fresh and leave behind the past as they seek to be a new person in a variety of ways. The term “New Year, New You” has been used over and over, yet sometimes by three or four months after the first of January, our resolutions have lost speed and have tuckered out. I began looking into God’s Word to find out what’s new. You may think, “That’s...
7 was quite the year. Atrocities and tragedies seem to abound. We read headlines of heart- breaking events within our country, within our schools and on our streets. Calamities in the Middle East are the norm and we are used to seeing such unrest on the evening news, but within North America such horrific events seem to be on the increase. Even those whose life’s work of serving to protect us or lead us, who should be respected to the utmost, are being hatefully t...
Have you ever been in debt? Maybe you’re in debt now. I can remember my first financial loan I received to pay for two years of post secondary education. “The huge debt was always on my mind, as I longed to be free of it. Ten years later, after much hard work my load was “paid off.” The burden of debt can be very stressful to bear! People in the world work hard to pay off homes, cars and all sort of things, seeking the ultimate goal of being debt free, ideally with a lofty s...
My walk isn’t right. It hasn’t been right for some time. No, I’m not talking about my walk with God. I’m talking about my physical walk. I was born with an impaired hip. My left foot has always been a bit pigeon-toed but in the last few years I have experienced pain and now have a limp that only a hip replacement came fix. I am really looking forward to a new walk! Not only that but I look forward to wearing heels again, playing volleyball, and even getting a good night’s rest...
It is so easy to love dogs. They are loyal, affectionate and faithful. This past summer my dog RD had many excitable moments. In fact, he was so excited that he would pull hard on his leash, temporarily making himself pass out. The heat and lack of oxygen would overcome him. At first I didn’t know what was happening and was so concerned, I thought maybe there was something wrong with his diet or that he had some kind of sickness. I will never forget the first time it h...
It's been a long winter here in Canada. Like thousands of others, I needed to take a little break away from the sting of winter. In January, I went on a cruise for a week to the Bahamas. Being on a big ship with a few thousand other people in the middle of the ocean provides for ample opportunity to sit on your beach chair and people watch. The one action that was most obvious to me from morning until sunset was the constant hunger for the sun. As the ship changed direction, s...
We must not regret the things that God has allowed us to pass through. We are not here to take the temporal view. He works all things according to the counsel of His will, ‘tis true. Life has twists and turns as we seek to do His will, We must learn that He is seeking to conform us to His image still. This has a far greater reward than any loss during this life of ill. Jesus is Lord, despite the popular opinion, I am learning through and through that God is sovereign No m...
I wonder how many doors I have stepped through today? I am not talking about “doors of opportunity.” I mean actual “doors”! I probably stepped through various doorways in my house at least 30 times today. When I went downtown, I stepped through the post office door and the insurance agency door. Each entrance was done with purpose of heart. I was on a mission; I needed to get to a certain place that only had entrance through a particular door. My will totally dictated my move...
I spend the majority of my time pushing a cart which holds a laptop and a projector. Time is of the essence as I roll from class to class having meetings and seeking to be on schedule. A couple of weeks ago I was pretty miffed at the wheel on my cart, it definitely wasn’t cooperating! When I wanted to push ahead, it would not budge and if I did get it to budge it would swerve to the left or to the right. I needed to be careful since I was carrying expensive equipment but at t...
This past month some friends and I took on the project of renovating my bedroom bathroom. I knew what I wanted and when we went to the home hardware store, I picked out a new shower, toilet and bathroom sink expecting to walk out of there thinking the job would be done within a few hours. Little did I know that along with these type of renovations, are plumbing and electrical work that involves many pieces, fittings and of course trip after trip to the store to get things righ...
It has been a little over a year and a half since God made it possible for me to own my first home. I have had lots of learning experiences during this time. In the last few weeks, I noticed that my dryer was not doing its job very well. It was taking forever to dry my clothes and it always felt very hot after it had been on for just a short while. I always cleaned out the lint filter just inside the door but just couldn’t figure out what was keeping my dryer from running effe...
As we celebrate this wondrous time of year, it’s very important to contemplate the fact that God became a human being (John 1:14). This was God’s will, and Jesus Christ gave Himself completely to His Father’s will, always (John 4:34). Yes, the Savior of the world took upon Himself the likeness of human flesh, but do we have an inkling of an idea what this stoop really cost Him? I dare say, it will take all of eternity to wrap our minds around the fact that He left the splen...
During the month of September I spent a week in McAllen, Texas. I had the joy of sharing the Good News of Jesus with a few people and also spent some time handing out invites for special outreach activities. As I went about visiting, sometimes door to door, I met a lot of very friendly people. I noticed that many of the doors had a sign hanging, with one word on it. Sometimes the same word was displayed on a mat in front of the door. Can you guess what it was? Yes, the word...