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The windshield was cracked. Not just a hairline fracture but a spiderweb that had the potential to make Spider-Man sit up and take notice! So I got it changed. Such a difference-from the gravel-battered glass of yesterday to the clear, shiny drivability that I could now experience. It reminded me of how God's Word talks about His forgiveness in Isaiah 1:18 (NIV). "Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as...
It was early September, and as the first green tree morphed to yellow, the thought came to me, "Here we go again-pretty soon the snow'll be flying!" In Cree we'd say Kiiyipa wii mispoon. No matter how you say it, there's no getting around the changing seasons! It also brought to mind the passage in Genesis 8:22 of how the seasons came to be. It came out of God's promise made to Noah after the worldwide flood was over. "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold...
I remember Chris, a divorced single mom who'd recently lost her IT job. She was struggling to find her way in life, as well as to make a living for herself and her daughter. She was a believer, but that was often a struggle too. After an afternoon of helping her move to another apartment, we struck up a conversation about some life issues. The topic of foster parenting came up. I asked if she had ever considered becoming a foster parent. She responded with a resounding, "No...
I was meditating the other day on the concept of gratefulness-a close cousin to the concept of thankfulness. Both have the common denominator of appreciation. It was just a few days after Covid-19 hit and many people were really concerned about where this all was going. I started to think about what all we had been blessed with. I thought about having a home-not everyone does, you know. I thought about how all my kids and grandkids were safe, secure, and had enough to eat-not...
I was watching a news report this morning about an earthquake in Asia. It wasn't all that bad (as earthquakes go) but it got me thinking about the storms we all face in life. Everyone has his or her share of storms, Storms of health, relationships, finances, employment (or lack thereof)-scenarios we didn't choose and then the "Reap what you sow" quagmires we find ourselves in now and then! God's Word gives us answers to the storms we face in this life everything from attitude...
We pass milestones every 12 months when January 1 rolls around again, and again, and again . . . all of a sudden we look at a few more years gone! Indian Life passed a significant milestone this year. We turned 40 years old! In a time when magazines and newspapers are dropping like flies in acquiescence to internet, social media, and the like, Indian Life has survived. I say that's a GOD thing!! What do your milestones indicate to you? As 2019 gives its last few flickers of...
I took the time the other day to count the doors at our place. It took me about 30 seconds to figure out that we have 12 of them. It was kind of a mundane exercise, but it got me thinking about Closed and Open Doors and how God uses both kinds in our lives. The Open Doors are the opportunity ones. They can be captivating, motivating and exciting or, on the flip side, intimidating, overwhelming and downright scary! You see, open doors usually mean change! Change is a great...
I've been intrigued by the story of a Rocky Mountain Cree of the mid 1800s, a chief named Maskepetoon. Told by many, his story has become a mix of myth, legend and truth. However, all sources bear common denominators that follow the common thread of peacemaking. Maskepetoon, a renowned warrior who came to Faith in Jesus, found out that personal peace would only come when it was partnered with forgiveness. His only son had been murdered by a companion, and Maskepetoon, faced...
For the last couple years, my wife, Milly, and I have been involved with what are called "grief camps." This is rapidly becoming a real focal point on our schedule, one of those, "I don't want to miss this for anything" type events! It's where people who've lost someone close to them in the last few months can come and find some hope and healing-a five-day reprieve from the storms and pressure of their everyday journeys. As we get to know those who've come, we try to provide...
A couple years back, about a week before Easter, a fellow musician shared with me this viewpoint on Easter Sunday. I’d like to pass it on to you. Read on. He said, “I don’t call it Easter Sunday anymore, I call it Resurrection Sunday. Why? Because every time I say that, I’m telling whoever’s listening that Jesus is Risen—that He’s Alive!” Just by naming the day in that manner, he was testifying to everyone in his world that he believed in a Savior who was Alive. After mulling...
I watched this year as the summer season morphed to fall. It happened quite abruptly as the September snow fell on the green leaves and grass of an ecosystem that wasn't quite ready for it! It looked like a battle between the trees trying desperately to stay alive and green, but the cold, white snow having none of that argument. Every party involved or watching knew who the ultimate winner would be. Hey, welcome to winter for a few months (before spring makes a comeback)!...
It's with a lot of excitement and not a small amount of angst that I put pen and ink to this issue of the Indian Life newspaper, our first in the partnership and merger of Indian Life Ministries and the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Inc. It's a huge step for both organizations! In case you are not too familiar with NEFC, we are a Canadian association of Native churches and have been operating since 1971. There are 17 churches affiliated with us at present. They are...