Creator’s Gift to You

The holidays that make this time of year so special are fast approaching. Our friend, Lipan Apache Hoop dancer and pastor Robert Soto, has made a tradition of counting down the days to Christmas throughout the year, starting the day after Christmas.

For many, Christmas is celebrated with gladness and joy. For some, however, this can be a very sad and lonely time and one that people dread.

Some find it difficult because they are alone, in prison or they have recently lost someone dear. Others are in their own prisons of abuse—alcohol, drug, physical and sexual abuse.

This time of year often brings back memories of painful times that we would rather forget.

Whatever your circumstance or situation, we want to give you something that will bring a little hope, encouragement, and perhaps, a little joy.

This issue of Indian Life is our Christmas card to you. In it, you will find interesting articles and stories sharing Christmas experiences and what the birth of Jesus means.

Also, we have a very special message we want to give you.

   You are loved
   God loves you
   Not for what you do
   but for who you are!
   You are worthy to be loved!
   God loves you!

Last summer, a friend handed my wife this message written on a 3x5 card. Since that time, we’ve kept it up on our bathroom mirror where we can see it every time we look in the mirror.

Maybe you are thinking “What kind of gift is this?” It’s true that this is not a tangible gift you can hold in your hand (well yes, you can hold the card in your hand).

Here’s a suggestion. Write out this message and personalize it (God loves me). Then put it in a place where you can see it and read it every day. If you do so, it will change your life in some way. How? Well, this is, in essence, the Good News of Christmas.

Maybe you are thinking, “No one is worthy to be loved. We’ve failed too many times. And don’t deserve to be loved.”

Yes, you are correct. None of us can do anything to make ourselves worthy.

What is true is that because Jesus came to earth as a baby and lived alongside human beings like you and me, dying and coming back to life, He took away our unworthiness. That’s why we can tell you that you are worthy to be loved. It’s because of what Jesus did for you. Nothing more, nothing less.

So wherever you are, whatever state or condition you are in today, in the hope and joy of knowing that we are all loved by Creator, we send you greetings and best wishes for a very joyful Christmas and New Year 2013.

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