Illusions and Reality

Since the surgery on my spine, walking and balancing on uneven surfaces present more challenges for me than usual. This is important information for you to fully comprehend my recent terror in the shower.

I adjusted the temperature before grabbing the tub handle. Easing my legs over the unusually high bathtub, I adjusted my stance to steady myself in the contours of the tub while maintaining the right spot in the water. I turned and spied a large black spider folding itself into a ball as the water ebbed up around it. Was it still alive?

I waited to see if a leg moved and maneuvered myself to the opposite side of the tub. How could I get enough water up to the spider to wash it down without washing it down onto me? I splashed a little water toward it with my foot. I stood frozen, watching to see if a leg moved. What could I do if it recovered from its thin watery veneer enough to spring for me?

Moving a little more water its way, it began to move down. I held my breath as it floated past, merging with deeper water. The current caught it, pulling it forward. I watched the “leg” expand to a strand as the drain swallowed a large black piece of sock fuzz!

The Easter story is a good example of the difference between illusion and reality. Can you imagine what it would have been like to be a part of this story? The religious leaders and rulers celebrated victory as they thought they had rid themselves of the troublesome Galilean. They thought they had secured their own positions of power and prominence.

The Roman centurions believed they had the power to inflict suffering upon the One falsely accused. They did not know that Jesus could have called on legions of angels to come to His rescue.

The disciples felt that all hope had vanished so they fled in fear. They did not know they would see Him again.

Satan must have rejoiced. He finally had his revenge upon the God who had cast him out of heaven. What a great delusion!

Luke 24:13-35 tells the story about Jesus joining two downcast travelers on their way to Emmaus three days after the crucifixion. Scripture says they were kept from recognizing Him. He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They told Him all that had happened in the past three days, from how the chief priests had handed Jesus over to the Romans for crucifixion to the news of the empty tomb.

He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” Then the Lord graciously explained the Scriptures as they walked along. He revealed truths related to Himself, beginning with Moses and the prophets. They still did not recognize Him, but they invited Him to stay with them as evening approached. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.

I pray each of us will invite Him to stay with us as our evening approaches. I ask that our eyes will be opened so we can fully understand the true reality of Christ and His kingdom.

Happy Easter!

© Sue Carlisle 2013. Sue Carlisle is a member of the Ponca tribe and spent much of her youth on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Her passion is to encourage people to look at creation and see our awesome Creator.

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