A door that must be entered

I wonder how many doors I have stepped through today? I am not talking about “doors of opportunity.” I mean actual “doors”!

I probably stepped through various doorways in my house at least 30 times today. When I went downtown, I stepped through the post office door and the insurance agency door. Each entrance was done with purpose of heart. I was on a mission; I needed to get to a certain place that only had entrance through a particular door. My will totally dictated my movements and the direction I was going.

There is another door that exists that many people have not entered. This door follows every person for their entire life until they breathe their last. It is not a door that you can see with yours eyes, but rather, it must be entered by faith.

This door is a person. Jesus said, “I am the door: by Me if any man enters in, he shall be saved...” (John 10:9).

If we wait to enter this door after we die, it will be too late (Matthew 25:1-13). I am totally convinced that most people have not entered the door, by trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to be their Savior because their will does not desire salvation from sin, but rather their will loves to sin.

If a person sees that their sins deserve judgment from God because of what they are (guilty), and if they know that Christ is the way to escape the judgment that they deserve and choose not to enter the door, they are making a choice (John 3:19-20).

A person’s will determines their destiny (Joshua 24:15). We can choose to be inside the door and be safe or we can choose to stay outside the door and be in danger.

Are you going to say “no” to God and His forgiveness and eternal life and “yes” to judgment and eternal punishment (John 3:36)? Or will you choose to enter the door and say “yes” to God’s amazing love and “yes” to His Lordship and eternal life with Him now and forever” (John 10:28)?

Salvation is a matter of the will. Entering the door is a matter of the will. Don’t wait. God’s Word says, “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (Second Corinthians 6:2).

Enter the door while you can. An abundant life with God awaits you on the other side (John 10:10)!

Becky Kew can be reached at Beckykew@hotmail.com for comments or questions.

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