Last thought

It is so easy to love dogs. They are loyal, affectionate and faithful.

This past summer my dog RD had many excitable moments. In fact, he was so excited that he would pull hard on his leash, temporarily making himself pass out. The heat and lack of oxygen would overcome him. At first I didn’t know what was happening and was so concerned, I thought maybe there was something wrong with his diet or that he had some kind of sickness.

I will never forget the first time it happened. I was at the park and he was pulling on the leash trying to get to some kids, faster than my legs could take him. By the time we got there, he had exerted himself to the limit and I could see his back end giving out and he turned to look at me and with all of his strength staggered toward me and gave me a lick on my hand then passed out. I was on my knees panicking and praying at the same time. Within a minute he regained consciousness and looked a little confused but the first thing he did was lean on me and lick my face. What happiness we shared when I realized he was going to be ok! Whenever I think of the moment I just shared, I am overcome with such affection for my dog. I will never forget how he was trying to get to me as he was blacking out and straining to give me that last lick on my hand. I will never forget the look in his eyes. When I dwell on his last look at me, it reminds me of another moment, a far more important moment, in fact the most important moment that ever happened in all of history. When Christ died on the cross, He was thinking of you and He was thinking of me. Some of the last words He uttered while He was on the cross were, “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

I believe that the Lord Jesus was not only thinking of those who were guilty of His death on a tree, but I believe He was thinking of those who would sin against Him in the future, and therefore would be guilty as well. People like you and me and, in fact, all of humanity (Romans 3:23). It wasn’t the nails that killed the Lord Jesus; it was our sin that caused the Son of God to die.

The Bible says, “The payment for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Sin brings death for each one of us; unforgiven people face eternal death without Christ as Savior. The sinless, eternal Son of God met with death on our account. He became guilty before God in our place so that we could be forgiven before God if we rest in His finished work at the cross as our only hope for Heaven. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Three days later, the Lord Jesus conquered death and sin at His resurrection; He is alive and lives forever more (1 Corinthians 15:4).

The first thing He did was appear to His own, to those who loved Him. He desired to bring them comfort and hope. He lives! Eternal life, comfort and real hope is possible for all of us (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)! What rejoicing there was for the believers during those days! What rejoicing there is now for any sinner who has a moment of repentance and trusts the Lord Jesus as their own Savior (Luke 15:7). Have you humbly said before God, or just believed in your heart these words (or something like them) “Lord Jesus, I’m turning from living in my sins, from going my own way, I believe You died for me. I want to live for You” (Romans 10:9). Yes, I am so thankful for my dog, RD. His affection for me reminds me of the greatest affection that anyone could ever have for me, or anyone could ever have for you. There is nothing greater than experiencing the love of God in a personal way through salvation and experiencing His love personally every day. Yes, while He was on the cross, you were on His mind. Won’t you come to Him and discover the most amazing relationship you could ever have on this earth? He is faithful and cares for His own (1Peter 5:7). He would desire for you to know His blessings. He wants you to be saved from the punishment of sin and saved to live for Him. Take that step of faith towards Him today, I can guarantee you will never regret it (Romans 5:8). Becky works with the youth of Sandy Bay.

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