Letters from Our Readers


A fellow inmate recently showed me his latest edition of the Indian Life newspaper. I was truly blessed. The stories and pictures are great!

I am currently in the final stretch of a 97-month sentence for possession of child pornography. My incarceration made me realize I had been practicing religion without having a personal relationship with Jesus. That has changed now.

When I read Luke Gilkerson’s “Husbands Who Watched Porn,” it touched me deeply. I was also impressed with how his “12 ways to reassure your wife” paralleled the points in our “guiding principles” and “goals for living” in my Sex Offender Treatment Program here. I took lots of notes on Mr. Gilkerson’s article.

I am from Oklahoma and part Cherokee. I thank you for your ministry to Indian people. May our Lord bless you richly as you continue this wonderful ministry. Thank you for blessing me already.

—L.C., Ohio


I’ve been doing well. I’m in the hole—Ad-Seg—right now. Not for getting into trouble but because I have an enemy so I can’t be where he is. That’s why they might transfer me soon.

There was a spiritual advisor there and they gave or loaned you a TV and radio if you are good and you stay out of trouble. I get in trouble sometimes but I try not to get in trouble.

I was getting some help at _______ and I’m getting help from Creator God too. I pray earnestly everyday and want to be close to Him and ask for everything that I need and want according to His will.

Here at _______ is a lot cooler. _______ is by the Pacific Ocean near the California-Oregon border. It took us 8 hours to drive here…It’s uncomfortable in waist shackles and leg irons, but the view of the ocean and redwood trees is very beautiful. I thanked Creator God for the beauty masterpieces that I got to see driving up here.

—T.R., California

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