Healing the Heart through the Psalms

In the book of Jesus there is a book written by several of our spiritual ancestors from the time of King David. In this book called The Psalms there are people crying out to God to deliver them from depression, sadness, hurt, anger, physical threat, oppositions of all kinds, people mocking and making fun of them and the list goes on and on.

As Aboriginal people, we too have endured many of these same feelings because of racism, oppression. Although we are in a society that says it is politically correct there is still much racism out there. Yes, we as Aboriginal people have a different way of doing things and we have a different approach to life, but that doesn’t mean we are inferior or should be looked down upon. We are all made in the image of God—no matter who we are or where we are from. God loves us all equally and wants to touch our lives equally.

The Psalms are supposed to give us hope and comfort and that hope and comfort is based on the promises of God. The ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises is fulfilled through the spiritual leader called Jesus Christ. Jesus is our number one spiritual Elder. It is through Jesus Christ that we receive comfort and hope. This comfort and hope also comes from the Holy Spirit who is the number one and only spiritual helper. Although our ancestors used animal spirits and ancestor spirits we are told in the book of Jesus that the Holy Spirit is the only Spirit helper we need.

Sometimes when we need healing it is because we have offended God through what we call sin. I know in some Aboriginal languages there is no word for sin, but the fact still remains that we have all been born with rebellion against God from birth and so sin and rebellion are the same type of thing. Adam in the Garden of Eden rebelled against God and so that is when sin/rebellion against God entered the world and therefore we are all born with this rebellion against God in our hearts. It isn’t until we believe in Jesus our spiritual leader and see him as Lord of our lives and ask him to take that sin/rebellion against God away that we are forgiven of this and can start fresh with God.

Sometimes the hurt we feel is a result of our own sin/rebellion against God that we have committed even after believing in Jesus. Once Jesus has come into our hearts we are eternally secure, but we will all still struggle with sin/rebellion against God until the day we die. When we become a believer in Jesus we are asking for forgiveness for that sin/rebellion against God that we were born with. Then when we sin or rebel against God we come back and ask for forgiveness again, but it’s not asking for salvation all over again, it’s just asking forgiveness for that particular sin/rebellion against God.

When we look at the Psalms we see someone like King David who sinned/ rebelled against God by sleeping around with a married woman and he then says In Psalm 51: 10-12 (NIV), “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Notice that King David needed the Holy Spirit to help him heal and that David asked for the one Holy Spirit not the spirits. Although it is great to engage in our culture we don’t want to go too far and focus on the spirits instead of the one and only Holy Spirit. Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit came to die for you not the animal spirits or ancestor spirits. We can take wisdom from our ancestors, but they did not die for us. They are only human like you and me.

There are many other passages in the Psalms that will help us heal from hurt and anger or oppression or sometimes sin/rebellion against God. If you have the book of Jesus that is often called the Bible, please look at the Psalms and read them for comfort and hope and healing. Comfort and hope and healing can come in many different ways, but our Father God, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit created all the people who offer all the different ways we receive comfort and hope and healing, whether it’s through medicine, some form of meditation to calm us down from anxiety, or support groups.

Come to the psalms and read deeply of God’s love for you and receive healing. Don’t be afraid to talk to Jesus as you read Psalms. Before you start reading say, “Jesus I need you and I need comfort and hope and healing. Show me in the Psalms were I can be encouraged and uplifted and healed. In Jesus’ name.Amen.”

Parry Stelter is originally from Alexander First Nation and is founder of Word of Hope Ministries and lives in Edmonton, Alberta. http://www.wordofhopeministries.ca

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