A Furry Savior

I was walking my dog Rd on a gorgeous afternoon. My neighbor was outside doing some yard work, so Rd and I crossed the road to say hi. As we were visiting, Rd stretched out the leash that I was holding and sat on the grass to watch my neighbor's cat. They were both watching each other intently and neither one was making a move; we kind of laughed and wondered if they were making friends. About ten minutes later, a much younger dog came trotting down the road and wandered into my neighbor's yard. I was leery of the free roaming shepherd but my neighbor said not to worry, that this dog was a good dog. As she knelt down to hug it, all of a sudden it lurched and went for my Rd, who is a senior dog. In a second Rd was pinned to the ground on his side and the shepherd was going for his neck. I screamed and tried to pull Rd away. At that moment the cat flew into this scary situation and attacked the very aggressive shepherd dog. The two were in a ferocious battle, which gave me the chance to pull Rd away from the danger he was in. Thankfully, my dog wasn't hurt due to the heroic efforts of my neighbor's cat.

As I walked away with my dog, I had to hold a stick up and actually hit this dog a couple of times who was still trying to get at Rd. My neighbor herded him away and I kept on alert with both eyes open until we got home a few minutes later. The kitty didn't escape unscathed and is limping to this day because of his choice to step into a battle that wasn't his.

As I reflected on this time and thanked God that Rd and I weren't at the vet, I was reminded of God's Son who stepped into a battle that wasn't His. He saw the danger that we were in as a result of our sin and He didn't sit quiet. Instead He left the comfort and glory of Heaven to suffer man's cruelty; but far worse than that, He stepped in between us and a holy God to do a work of love, that only the sinless Savior could do. He bore the wrath upon the cross for our sins that we deserved (First Peter 2:24).

We are without strength to save ourselves, just like Rd could do nothing to save himself from a much younger and aggressive dog (Romans 5:6). As the cat flew in at the right time to intercede for Rd, Christ came at the right time to make atonement for our sins, so that a holy God could be satisfied. God says that anyone who looks to the Son for forgiveness, accepting His work alone; will be saved from the wrath to come (John 3:36). That kitty carries the proof in his body that he went through a great fight, and the Lord Jesus Christ carries His scars in His hands, side and feet as His proof of His great love for you (Luke 24:39).

If you have had such a time, believing that Christ died for you and have accepted Him as your Savior; you must keep your eyes open in these last days as we journey home to Heaven (First Peter 5:8). Just as I had to keep alert against a dog that was seeking to hurt us as we sought to get home, Christians have an enemy. Christians are secure forever (John 10:28) but the Devil still seeks to ruin their testimony so that others will not turn to the Savior.

Just as I had to use my stick and keep alert, we need to continue to use God's Word in our lives and keep ourselves pure, so that we can be strong against the attacks of Satan (Ephesians 6:10-18). The battle is the Lord's but He expects us to daily put on our armor and walk in faith (Second Corinthians 5:7).

How is your walk? Are you following on Jesus' path and walking wise? Or are you still in danger of being lost forever because you haven't trusted Jesus as your Savior? He battled for you on the cross of Calvary so that you could be forgiven and safe for ever (First Timothy 2:5).

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