Can You Forgive Yourself?

Some people carry very heavy burdens. At some time in life, every person is haunted by deeds done and words said that were later regretted a thousand times over. Often, people beat themselves up and live with regret for years. Guilt, shame and fear are the worst burdens that anyone can carry.

I have heard people say, "I just can't forgive myself." This is an interesting phrase and if we really examine it, we would understand that it is a ludicrous thought.

We never read in God's Word that we are to forgive ourselves. To think that we can would be to assume that we have the authority that only God has. God is the almighty divine Forgiver, and we are not.

In fact we are the opposite. We are the very small creations of God who break His Word every day. We fall so short of His perfect standard, yet He greatly loves us. He offers the way of forgiveness, and we are to accept this free gift, even though we are totally undeserving. He says, "Come to me all of you who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

When we accept God's forgiveness, only then can we know release from guilt, shame and fear. We will also have perfect peace! The Bible says the peace of God surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

How can we know God's forgiveness? We don't find this by our works or efforts. It's not by our sacrifices or trying to earn God's favor. Forgiveness is obtained through the perfect work of God's Son at the cross.

Jesus knew no sin; He was totally innocent. He took God's judgment upon Himself during three dark lonely hours as He hung on the cross. When He was finished paying for every sin of every person, He shouted out, "It is finished" (John 19:28–30).

The work is done for you and me! You can try to forgive yourself for the rest of your life, but you will never have the peace of God, and your slate will never be clean before God until you accept God's offer of forgiveness through His Son. Only someone perfect can forgive you and nobody on earth including yourself, qualifies for the job!

The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sins (1 John 1:9). Please don't carry your guilt anymore. Jesus sacrificed His life for you so that you can be free to live with peace and free to live God's way, as you trust Him and follow His Word. Now that's love!

Do you know God's love, shown to you through Jesus Christ? Are you forgiven by Him? Read John 3:36 over and over again until you can say that you have God's Son. When you have God's Son, you have God's forgiveness!

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay

First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.

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