Feeling lost?

During these COVID-19 times, I have greatly enjoyed walking in the country. My dog, Blessing, and I find old fields that are acres wide to walk through. He loves sniffing and chasing the deer, and I enjoy quiet time with the Lord.

This past week, I looked up from my deep thoughts and realized I didn't recognize my position that I found myself in, nor did I realize how much time had passed and how much walking we had done! I didn't know where I was as I looked at the winding bush line in front of me that went on for miles. I was disoriented as I looked around me-the acres of dirt and rock piles all looked the same. We had to walk thru a grassy field to get to the opening of the dirt field we were in. I realized I couldn't see any entrances to the green field at all.

I started walking a bit more forcefully instead of enjoying a casual stroll. I came to several curved openings along the bush line, only to realize they were dead ends. Blessing must have sensed my frustration as I said out loud, "Now what?"

He started trotting ahead of me and kept stopping to look at me, as if to say, "Hurry up!"

Eventually, I decided to follow him as we walked a whole lot further north. I lost him as he turned into another curvy opening, which led the way to the grassy field that I was looking for! All of a sudden, I thankfully saw the tall cell tower where my truck was parked. I was amazed that during the whole time in the dirt field, the bush line covered that cell tower from my view. How could I forget about the tower? I was so happy to see it!

As I think about my experience and laugh to myself, I am reminded of some spiritual truths. We can get so wound up in the dirt of life, and forget about the faithful strong tower that sees all and knows all. The Lord also knows that we can let the activities of this life, hinder us from doing His will, just as the bush line hindered me from seeing the high tower which would have helped me to find my bearings.

Proverbs 18:10 says, "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe." We could save ourselves a lot of heartache and worry, if we would just go to the strong tower!

Sometimes, we can also doubt the leading of God's Spirit concerning certain circumstances in life; as I did with my dog, Blessing. Blessing knew the way; I didn't. God knows the way; we don't. God's Word says: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Don't be afraid!"

I let myself get flustered and I forgot that God was in control in this very little circumstance of my life. How much easier would things be if we really remembered this truth, especially when circumstances can be much more alarming than being lost for a few minutes in a field!

My friend, if you know that you are lost and have forgotten about a strong tower that is ready to help you locate yourself, save you, and give you the security that you need in 2021, please turn to the Lord. We cannot save ourselves nor can we know the true way to go, apart from God and His Word. (Psalm 119:105). Satan wants to keep you from having God's salvation. God uses His Spirit to get your attention in this life; He wants you to hear His Son.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6). He isn't "a" way of many ways; He is the only way! If you have never trusted Him to cleanse you from your sins and to give you a relationship with God, please do so today. He is calling you gently and asking you to follow Him, just as my dog wanted me to follow Him!

Blessing didn't force me in the matter; he just waited for me to change my will and say, "Ok, you lead the way!" The Lord Jesus has made the way possible for you to have peace and security in a crazy world. Through His work at the cross for you, you can know where you are going; you can know Heaven as your home! God says our sin has caused us to be lost from Him and we deserve judgment for our disobedience and unbelief (Romans 6:23). He is willing to hold you by the hand and lead you through this life and all the way to Heaven, if you will trust Him.

If you know Jesus as your Savior He is also the way to living a victorious life. Trust and obey your strong tower! There is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Becky Kew shares

good news at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.

BeckyKew@ outlook.com

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