ILM banquet celebrates another year of ministry

In late October, Indian Life Ministries hosted a conference in Winnipeg for all those who support, or are interested in supporting, the outreach of ILM.

The banquet was attended by 168 participants who came from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Cass Lake, Minnesota.

The ILM and advisors know how to do a celebration well! The program included music from Rochelle and Chris Creasy, Joel Jolly, and Kene and Milly Jackson.

After inspiring music, Craig Smith stepped to the podium. Craig has been a Promise Keepers speaker and serves on several ministry boards, as well as leading Tribal Rescue Ministries with his wife, LaDonna. He challenged and encouraged participants with a special message from the Lord.

As a highlight of the evening, this was the official launch of the Indigenous-written devotional, Council Fire.

"Last year at the banquet our goal was to raise the necessary funds to produce this devotional book," explains Krystal Wawryzniak of the ILM director team. "One year later, we were thrilled to launch this amazing book. As a thank you, we gave each attendee a free copy."

Of course, it takes many people to host a successful event, and Indian Life Ministries is so thankful for the volunteers and ministries that came alongside to bless those attending.

Catering was provided by Florence Flett, and in true Indigenous style, her husband, Conrad, hunted the moose that served the crowd.

"We peeled 110 pounds of potatoes for the banquet to accompany the 80 pounds of meat," Krystal Wawryzniak recalls with a grin. "City Church donated the space of their wonderful kitchen for us to prepare the meal. The church's pastor, Tim Nielsen, is one of the previous directors of Indian Life and also is the current director of Naomi House in Winnipeg."

The banquet was also made possible by sponsorship of: The Meeting Place, NCEM, Tribal Trails, NEFC, Regehr's Printing (which donated ALL the printed material), MSC Canada, Siloam Mission, Northern Youth Programs, Anisininew Okimawin, and many individuals.

"We are very thankful to each of our sponsors and others who helped. They intentionally partner with us to host this banquet," says Todd Wawryzniack of the ILM director team. "By doing so, they encourage others and create the space for others to testify to the goodness of the Lord. Without our sponsors, this annual fundraising banquet would not happen."

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