Standing tall and strong

Becky Kew

This summer has been very different than any other summer of my life. I moved to a new province. The Lord was behind it all, so really, He was causing it all to fall into place.

Something that was very important to me during this move, almost as much as my house, was having a fence built for my dog so he would be safe and have a place to run. A couple who are good friends of mine travelled five hours to build the fence for me.

The plan was simple, but it was hard work! They dug the holes, set the four-by-four posts into the ground eight feet apart, and attached good wire to the posts by hammering it into the poles. The fence was done in two days, and it really looked amazing! It was complete with a big gate and four wide corners with lots of space in between.

I noticed at the four corners of the fence a 4x4 post was secured at the bottom corner and diagonally went up to the opposite corner of the space between the two poles. I asked the builder why these posts were positioned like that, and he said, "To align and secure the fence, to give it strength."

These corner posts were giving strength to each wall of the fence so that over fifty poles and hundreds of feet of wire could stand tall and strong!

My mind right away raced to a verse in the Bible about Jesus being our cornerstone, "Chosen by God and precious to him." This cornerstone is reliable, and "The one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" (1 Peter 2:4, 6).

Did you know that God created us to stand tall and strong? Sadly, left to ourselves, we make blunder after blunder. We lie, we fail in our relationships, we steal, and are proud.

In our own eyes we may seem to be pretty good, but really God says we fall short of His standard that is found in His Word. We don't have the strength to live right and please God because we do what we shouldn't do, and we don't do what we should do!

We break God's word because we are sinners (Romans 3:23). Our sin deserves judgment, but God sent His Son to step into this world on our behalf to go to the cross and pay for our sins. In due time, when we were yet without strength, Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6). God has sent us a Cornerstone to give us the ability to stand tall and strong, because left to ourselves, we can't!

If you are willing to admit that you have done ungodly things, and if you choose to believe that God sent a cornerstone for your life to change you on the inside and give you new desires and power to live His way, then you can be forgiven and made into a new person (2 Corinthians 5:17). Just like my new fence has a beautiful gate, the Lord Jesus is the gate to a new life and also to Heaven!

Those who walk with the Lord can stand tall and be strong in God's strength. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become children of God" (John 1:12). The Lord Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone, came into this world to save sinners! Will you trust Him as your Savior?

"The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God and I will praise him . . . " (Exodus 15:2).

Becky Kew is an Intertribal Life distributer, who brings the gospel to Indigenous people in Saskatchewan.

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